“I felt my heart break, I burst into tears and the tears never stopped.” – Baby Loss Awareness Week

“I felt my heart break, I burst into tears and the tears never stopped.”

“I felt my heart break, I burst into tears and the tears never stopped.”


Clare Churm told us about her story and the death of her son, Michael John last year, sharing her advice to bereaved parents who need support…

“On the 1st June 2015, me and partner Chris went for a normal scan; little did we know this day would change our lives forever, as we was told our son had no heartbeat.
I was so shocked, I felt my heart break, I burst into tears and the tears never stopped.

On the 4th June 2015, after a long day of waiting around – moving beds, repetitively explaining what happened to doctors and midwives, being in pain for hours – with my family around me and partner by my side, our son Michael-John Beasley was born. It was a beautiful day- we got to hold our son MJ, tell him how beautiful he was, how much we loved him, how we would never forget him and say our goodbyes as a family.

Just before we left the hospital I was given a memory box from the midwife. I didn’t really know what it was and didn’t understand but when I opened the box at a later time, it was full of memories of my son that the midwife and the charity Sands had created for us, things that we could never think of doing as we so upset that day.

My memory box gives me so much comfort, I feel so close to him when I open my box and over the years I’ve added things to it that remind me of my MJ.

On the first September I shaved my hair for charity in memory of him, to raise money for Sands who provide vital memory boxes to hospitals in need for bereaved parents.
I raised an incredible £700 for this amazing charity. In doing this I shared my story with other people who have shared there stories with me.

I’ve had so many people get in touch and I finally don’t feel alone. We are all connected in our pain, tears, fears, heartache and grief we have for our angels.
My message to others like me and Chris who are suffering from baby loss; don’t suffer in silence, share your story, talk about your angels, they’re a part of us and a part of our families.”



If you would like to share your story, please do via the Baby Loss Awareness Week website.

If you need support, or know someone who would benefit from it, the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance Charities can help. View them all and contact them directly here; https://stage.babyloss-awareness.org/organisations/

If you need help now, please call the Sands Freephone Helpline on 0808 164 3332 or helpline@sands.org.uk

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