The difference we make together – Baby Loss Awareness Week

Impact of Baby Loss Awareness Week 2019

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Baby Loss Awareness Week 2019 was the most successful so far, with more Remembrance and Wave of Light events, buildings illuminated pink and blue, ribbon displays, parliamentary activity, social media buzz, and coverage in the media than ever before.
Together with our dedicated supporters, alliance charities and ambassadors, we were able to break the silence around baby loss and raise more awareness, helping to instigate real change through the Government.

Together we can break the silence and call for improvements in services, care and support for families affected by the death of a baby.

The Out of Sight, Out of Mind report called for Governments across the UK to take action to ensure that all parents who experience pregnancy or baby loss and need specialist psychological support can access it, at a time and place that is right for them, free of charge, wherever they live.

The Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Bereaved parents falling through the gaps in mental health care report was published just before the beginning of the week to coincide with a parliamentary debate in Westminster the day before Parliament was prorogued.

24 MPs representing seven political parties from across the UK (except Wales) spoke in the debate in Westminster on 8 October 2019 – the week before Baby Loss Awareness Week.
The debate focused on baby loss in the UK and the need for specialist psychological support and bereavement support. In responding to the debate the Minister committed to:

• Part of the £2.3 billion investment in mental health planned by the Government will be directed towards parents who have experienced pregnancy or baby loss
• The working group for the development of maternity outreach clinics would be asked to consider the mental health needs of those who experienced pregnancy or baby loss
• Group B Strep prevention would be a number 1 priority
• The 40 new hospitals which are planned would be asked to consider including bereavement

Impact of Baby Loss Awareness Week 2018

Click on the ribbon to see our infographic

Baby Loss Awareness Week 2018 was the most successful so far, with more Remembrance and Wave of Light events, buildings illuminated pink and blue, ribbon displays, parliamentary activity, social media buzz, and coverage in the media than ever before.

Together we can break the silence and call for improvements in services, care and support for families affected by the death of a baby.

“Bereavement care training is mandatory in less than half of NHS Trusts and Health Boards. At the last count, one in three Trusts and Health Boards did not have a dedicated bereavement room in each maternity unit they cover.”


Bereavement care can and must get better and we believe we have the answer in the National Bereavement Care Pathway – read below about how this ground-breaking programme is being made publicly available for the first time.

In 2018 we came together to call on the public, healthcare professionals, and parliamentarians to make sure parents who experience pregnancy or baby loss get the best possible care, wherever they live, when they need it. The National Bereavement Care Pathway (NBCP) provides the framework and tools to ensure that all health professionals are adequately equipped to provide excellent bereavement care. We campaigned for the NBCP to be embedded and rolled out across the NHS.


The final independent evaluation of the National Bereavement Care Pathway (NBCP) wave two pilot sites was published in May 2019 and provides evidence that the NBCP has:


  • Improved the bereavement care received by parents after the loss of a baby
  • Increased confidence and empowered staff to provide consistently good bereavement care
  • Enabled hospital teams and departments to work together to ensure consistency of care regardless of the nature, gestation or circumstance of the loss
  • Supported effective coordination and collaboration at a national level, enabling the project to succeed at a local level


Following publication of the evaluation the former Minister for Mental Health, Jackie Doyle-Price endorsed the rollout of the NBCP saying:

Theresa May, followed up by urging all NHS Trusts to adopt the National Bereavement Care Pathway during Prime Minister’s Questions in Westminster on 15 May.

The NBCP is increasingly attracting interest from NHS Trusts across the country, with over 130 trusts in registering their interest. We are continuing to work with the CQC, NHS England and other partners to embed the NBCP and include reference to it within their frameworks and guidance.

In Scotland, pathway resources and materials are being finalised with five Early Adopter Sites identified and soon to go live. Conversations are ongoing in Wales and Northern Ireland. Still more to be done, committed to continuous improvement as we roll the NBCP out.

Making a difference for bereaved parents

Last Baby Loss Awareness Week, we asked everyone to stand up for parents who have experienced pregnancy or baby loss in your community by writing to the people responsible for making decisions about NHS services in your area. We want to see all families receive excellent bereavement care, when and where they need it.

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